06 October 2014

Then there were three...

Meet Mark & Katrina. I mean, I really wish you could meet them! They have a Pride and Prejudice sort of love story. She rebuffed his advances at first..didn't like him..which endeared her to me immediately! He respected her wishes..which endeared him to me also. Mark and Katrina are Christians. They never mentioned that..they didn't have to. It showed in everything they did..they way they treated my daughter, their calm and loving spirits and their quiet confidence. In the end, Katrina changed her mind about Mr. Darcy..er..I mean Mark! They will be wonderful parents. I hope we get to do this again with baby Grace ♥

07 August 2014

The Aplin Family

I feel humbled to be asked into someone's home to photograph their family. It's a glimpse into their lives, their hearts and souls. Underneath the ordinary there's something extraordinary about the Aplin family. I hope I was able to capture a little bit of that.
Behind the scenes there were two very patient parents..

The resident head straightener..

...who sometimes left their post! 

There were LOTS of Gummy Bears..

Some things worked and some..not so much! 

There were tickle fights 

..but most of all..there was Love.

...and family.